Destination Weddings Discussions

Good Morning!!!!

I'm up early again - still painting. I officially hate painting. We had the talk - I think I used the word "disappointed" a lot. He apologized so we're good. He's sick now tho - guess we're not passing out candy tonight. What a crappy halloween :( Hope everyone has some great parties to go to tonight and don't purge yourselves on candy :) Have a great Halloween!
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Re: Good Morning!!!!

  • Morning! Sorry your FI's sick Kelly! Hope he feels better soon! :) Have a great Halloween ladies!
  • Happy Halloween girls! I have to study for my exam on Wednesday....booo.... We aren't dressing up, passsing out candy, or doing anything tonight... how boring! Hope everyone has a good Halloween.
  • Morning! We finally have a reliable internet access at home that moves faster than a snail!! WOOHOOO So now hopefully I can knot more from home. Our Halloween was yesterday, so we are packing the dogs in the car and going to the dog beach and then I plan to work on my for sale bio and planning bio tonight!!! Have a fab day.
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