Destination Weddings Discussions

I hate the dentist...

Because I had to get my teeth worked on this morning.  My gum was receding in the front and exposed my root.  He fixed it but now my face is numb, I can't eat, and I can't tell if I'm biting my tongue or not.  And to top it off, everyone wants to talk to me today for some reason.  How do they keep from laughing?  Ugh.

Re: I hate the dentist...

  • Oh I feel your pain! I had to get a filling and my dentist numbed me so much I was numb from my chin to just under my eye! I was numb for so long and I kept thinking "I can't believe people aren't laughing at me, half of my face is droopy." lol. It mainly only bothered me because I couldn't eat for so long.
  • Awww... just think that it will all be worth it in just a little over a month or even better in just 35 days WoOoOoHoOoOoO :-))

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