Destination Weddings Discussions

Popping in real quick!

OH MY, what a weekend! My shower was beyond words, i had so many great friends and family members come. We got amazing gifts and it was just awesome. Kudos to my mom and BP. Then, I had my two BM/BFF's their mom's and my bm's 3 month old daughter Olivia come stay with me and we had a BLAST. I hoested a spa party for them last night as a thanks and it was just great. Now I have to right a thousand thank yous, unpack, repack, roate, move and reorganize my entire house, oh and figure where to put all this stuff until we can really use/enjoy it. Eeck! Thank you ladies for all your special wishes, I will update more later because they gave me some great ideas and my MOH is soooo hands on crafty she did a TON of DIY projects!!!

Re: Popping in real quick!

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