Destination Weddings Discussions

Check: Invite stuff

All but the pockets are ordered (they aren't getting the color in until early December).  Atleast I can start to design and print!I am going to do...Sapphire Metallic pocketsMeadow Green invite MatWhite invite  (with Green/blue ink)white response w/ watermelon envelope (YAY For bright mail)white enclosures with green/blue ink - there will be two enclosures: Reception and Informationall in a plain white envelopeI am also going to do a closure for the pocket... meadow square with a sapphire square with a white sqaure on top with some sort of something (sand dollar, starfish etc) on it, embossed.  I am SIKED.  Everything I ordered today, minus the pockets cost under just under $100.00. 

Re: Check: Invite stuff

  • Yay!! I looove colorful invitations. If you look in my bio you can see that my wedding invitations were in a bright blue pocketfold thingy. (whatever it's called). The invitation itself was printed on white cardstock, but it was mounted on an olive-y green cardstock. They looked amazing, and people REALLY responded to the bright colors. I got so many nice compliments on them. I didn't make them myself though - so just think of all the credit & compliments you get to take!! :) Our RSVP envelopes were bright orange - they were really fun to see in the mail, you couldn't miss them!
  • Sarah!  I love your invites!  Can you share some tips?  What program did you desing everything in?
  • I didn't do my own invitations :( My friend, Meghann, did them.
  • Sounds great!  I recommend doing most of the prep work by yourself, but getting a bit of a party together to assemble over wine or slurpees :)  Our party took about five hours, but when I think of how long it would have taken just me I'm glad we did it.
  • Well holy cow your friend did awesome!  My bff is going to help me.  So we'll work on it together!
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