Ok, so I trust you girls more than ANYONE on these boards, so I'll ask this on here....
I have this one really good male friend, he's like a brother to me. Originally I had asked him to be in my wedding. Before I asked, I asked his wife to make sure that she was ok with it and she confirmed she was. I don't know her that well, but do see her around (he's in business with FI and I).
I was later told by him he wouldn't be able to be in it because she didn't approve.. I guess what she had to say when I wasn't around was completely different than what she had to say to my face. Since then they missed a friend's wedding and I have resigned myself to the fact the likely won't even be attending mine.
WELL... out of the blue she adds me to Blackberry Messenger the other day (he had my PIN so assuming that's where the connection was) and now just randomly messages me. Whenever he is around she acts like my best friend, all smiles and nice - when he's not she totally ignores me.
I spent DAYS making this beautiful baby blanket for them, and she's never even thanked me or acknoweldged it (for example)...
She's been talking to me A LOT recently - all surface level things. I have a HARD time wanting to get to know her, or talking to her because in the back of my mind is always 'is she saying the opposite behind my back'.
How would you handle this?