Had the phone conversation. I am still shaking and feel like I'm going to pass out in the best way possible. Miss Shannon asked for some job deets in my last post from earlier this morning, so I'll try to keep the description short. This is a full-time faculty librarian position at a small specialized college in New England. This is essentially my dream job. If chosen, I'll get to investigate new technologies to improve library services and I'll get to do TONS of instruction, which throughout my past experiences has been the best part of my job. I'll also get to work one-on-one with students and faculty on their research, help plan curricula.. It's a very exciting opportunity, and I am ridiculously stoked about it. Plus, my little sister is a sophomore there, so we'll get to have sisterly lunches on campus. Bonus!
So the phone call. I interviewed for this job on campus early this month (and by early this month, I mean 8/1, haha). It has now been two weeks since they asked to contact my references. They finished up those calls in the middle of last week. I emailed the library director on Friday to schedule the phone call today as I have another university that's interested in bringing me to campus in mid-September. After some small talk about the hurricane and about my sister going back to school, I basically summed it up by saying that while this other institution is anxious to hear from me to schedule the interview, I am anxious to hear from THEM about my dream job. She was very appreciative of my communicating the situation and even commented on how professionally I was handling things with this other university. She said that she was anticipating knowing what was up in the next couple of days and said that she couldn't say anything concrete yet as the paperwork still needed some signatures.. BUT, she said that she would make some phone calls today to try to speed things along!!! I am seriously hoping that this is good news!!
I'm trying to stay positive positive positive. Any last jobby, getting-hired vibes that you can muster, please please please beam them at me! I am trying SO INCREDIBLY HARD not to count my chickens, but after this phone call, it is REALLY hard not to get preemptively excited. But I'm trying. Vibes vibes vibes. You ladies are the best. Thank you SO much!!
ETA: Guess today is my turn to blow up the board, haha