October 2012 Weddings

Monday Morning Quarterback

What did you ladies get done this weekend, what should you have gotten done but didn't and what's the plan for this week?
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Re: Monday Morning Quarterback

  • I need to take my invites to the post office to see what postage is going to be. They are going in the mail on Friday. I had my first fitting Saturday so that's a check. I'm starting to get stressed and sick to my stomach every time someone asks a WR question or if things come up I need to do.
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  • I worked on our "I'm his Mrs. & I'm her Mr." signs.  FI still likes the ugly first version I free handed lol.  I should have made a lot of roll ribbon roses for the bouquets but we had kids this weekend & ended up doing a lot with them.  This week.  LOTS of flowers will be made!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We went and got our marriage license on Friday, FI had his bachelor party weekend, and I had my shower! A good and productive weekend.
  • I sent out my invitations! I wasn't planning to until September 1st, but I couldn't wait anymore.

    I should've finished working on the ring-bearer pillow, but I got lazy. It's on the list for this week now, along with getting gifts for attendants.
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  • I got the epics for the picture frame card box - looks GREAT!

    Got the some RSPVs in the mail!!!

    Emailed Pastor for our next pre-marital counseling session, and email DJ for our appt with him.  And I emailed my venue's cordinator with some questions (kid meals, etc).

    Mailed out thank you cards for a few things I got in the mail.
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    my 2012 shelf:
    Amanda's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (2012 shelf)
  • edited August 2012
    I started addressing invitations (got my portion of the guest list done) and had my first fitting on Saturday.  FI updated our wedding website last night. He added some details on stuff we've updated recently and wrote a super cute blurb about how we met from the groom's view.  I still need to write my rebuttal.

    I should have made FI go to the post office on Saturday (I was busy with errands during the hours) to purchase stamps.  I also should have created our accommodations insert for our invitations and bought a hairpiece in preparation for my hair trial next weekend.  

    I need to bug the deacon at the church to find us a FOCUS mentor couple.  I'd like to have all of the church-related tasks done before the 30 days out mark but they're being pretty unresponsive.  We still need to have our meeting with the pastor and select our readings.

    This week we're going to get our invitations out (which will likely take up all post-work evening free time), although it might end up being on Saturday instead of Thursday as I originally planned. I also get to pick up my dress on Saturday, but I still need to find a tailor to do my bustle and add cups (the bridal shop is just altering the neckline, and the cost for the bustle would have been $300, which I think is a bit ridiculous). 
  • we chose our ceremony music and picked up our rings on the weekend...i should have worked on my bouquet some more. this week i need to call the church to talk about the new pastor there (ours is leaving and we need a replacement).
  • FI and I mailed our invites on Saturday! Most of them at least, we still have 5 to get out after I pick up some more ink at Michaels. I had my first fitting on Saturday and am happy to say the dress only needs to be hemmed! I scheduled my final fitting while there too. Yesterday, my Mom hosted our Couples Shower, which was such a fun time! On the list this week is to send out those last few invites and continue on my DIY projects. I'm getting super nervous now that we're in the final stretch that I won't finish everything I want to.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited August 2012
    I can finally say I had a productive wedding weekend.

    DId tasting and finalized the menu

    Hair trial, which I loved!

    Fiance found his suit!

    Started DIYing table numbers with my crafty sister in law. 

    Putting invites in the mail on Friday!!
  • I finished writing out all of the thank you notes for my shower gifts.  I wanted to address all of the envelopes too, but I just didn't get there.  I'll work on that tonight.

    Yesterday, FI and I completely reorganized our kitchen to fit all of the shower gifts.  I have a big box of kitchen hand me downs that my cousin can use for her college apartment.  
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  • I had my bachelorette party this weekend so i got nothing WR accomplished=)

    FI finally picked out his baby pics for our photo montage and we got the rest of the GM gifts in the mail so I wrapped them!

    I had no intentions of doing anything WR bc i was away all weekend but this morning I was able to email the venue our signature drink and ask a couple questions & verify the date of delivery for BM dresses (sometime this week).

    I have a lot lined up for this weekend bc FI will be at his bachelor party and he wont be around: OOT bag inserts, print and assemble programs, tie ribbons to the bubbles and purchase OOT bags/items, decorate my shoes, oh and my 1st dress fitting is Thurs=))
  • We set our menu and picked our linens at our venue, the Jacksonville Zoo. I also decorated our card holder which is a vintage looking bird cage, found a basket for our favors, sent the final payment to our caterer, paid the honeymoon off, got the groomsmen's ties and set up an appointment with the photobooth vendor. Phew! No wonder I slept so soundly last night :P
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • FI had his bachelor party!  I wrapped all of the BM presents that I have so far and made my cupcake menu.  This week I really want to finish purchasing all the BM gifts, pick up our marriage license, confirm rehearsal dinner plans and photobooth (we're going through FI's cousin so I'm a little nervous about it actually coming through) and start to figure out what we're doing for placecards.  It's getting so close...
  • The only WR thing we got done this weekend was our Epics. Hopefully we can get them back soon my mom has been itching to get the write up for the paper done!
    Last week I did my hair trial, first fitting and had a meeting with the banquet manager of our venue.  It was the first time meeting him because the original coordinator we contacted and signed our contract with is gone.

    This week I hope that we can get our song list finalized we go back and forth about them, its frustrating me that I can make up my mind.  Also maybe really look into centerpiece because I keep changing my mind on that too!

    Thursday my MOH (sister) has asked me to help her pick out shoes and then we will take the boys to get fitted for their ring bearer suits.

    Then next weekend is my 'surprise' shower and birthday so my bms are staying here with us!
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  • I finished all my invitations (dropping them off at the post office today)

    Dropped of FI's ring for sizing

    Finished a DIY project

    ordered my ring

    Booked car rental for HM

    Talked to Pastor last night about final meeting for ceremony details

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm ready to dive back into planning after a week of no checks! This week I'd like to start working on my table numbers my last major DIY project!, schedule my dress fitting, finish deciding on music choices, and email my vendors to see about setting up our last meetings before the big day. I'm still plugging all the RSVPs into my handy spreadsheet as I receive them. And maybe if I can corral my FI at some point, we can start writing our vows.
    October 2012 December Siggy - A Favorite Wedding Photo image
  • Nothing wedding related. Oops. I had a list. I'm not sure where the list went to.

    I cleaned the house though.

    Sigh. This week. This week I will get things done.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    October 13, 2012
  • Nothing WR over the weekend for me, and it felt great! Traveled OOT to visit a friend I hadn't seen for 5 years and had a great time. This week we have the 2nd meeting with our pastor. I also need to schedule appointments for manicures with my bridesmaids for the day before the wedding. Next week we meet with the florist so I have some details to work out for that too. And make invites for the RD. And finish tying bows on the bubbles. It's going to be a busy week!
  • I was up with a sick DS last night. 

    This weekend:
    - practiced calligraphy, almost ready to start addressing envelopes. 
    - Drafted menu for the weekend of the wedding (rehersal dinner, reception, brunch) 
    - Proof of the invites completed with all inserts! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v372/luvpinsanity/invitationset2.png (there's been a couple small changes here but you can get the idea) 
    - FI and I branstormed a bit about gifts for bridal party, but nothing solid yet. 

    This week: 
    - Meeting with florist
    - Meeting with last reception venue 
    - Go to parish and get paperwork re: renting the parish hall 
    - Book reception venue and confirm ceremony date and time
    - Start printing invitations and inserts
    - Start pre-marriage counseling 

    My goal is to have everything done by Thursday night, and then next weekend I won't get anything done wedding related cause Friday we get the keys for our new apartment!  I am hoping to get the invites out in the mail by next Mon or Tuesday to have it done by Wednesday when we pick up the moving truck. OMG. there is no time! :P 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    74 Invited image
    44 image are ready to party!
    31 image declines
    0 imagecan't find the bleeping mailbox
    RSVP Date: Sept 24
  • I had my shower, which was a lot of fun, and I was so on top of things that I have already written ALL my thank you notes! This week I really should finish my card box and cal my DJ to go over details.
    It doesn't have to be perfect to be everything I want!
    143 Invited image
    88 will be there! image
    55 would rather stay home :(image
    0 Are procrastinating!image
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Picked up the marriage license friday, went to Mens Wearhouse to order FI tuxes and pick out style for the rest of the wedding party, and picked a minister to officiate.
    This week: trying to get my brother to Mens Wearhouse to get fitted, hopefully FI will give all the details to his groomsmen so they will go get fitted, and potentially taking his father on Saturday to get fitted. Filling out the Officiants ceremony questionaire, and finalizing the administrative details with the Officiant, then working on the ceremony. Start working on the wedding music (have list, just need to get all the songs to the IPod). Finishing up the last of the invitations so I can get them sent out next Monday. Hopefully I will get to finalize the cake order this week too.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • This weekend:
    - Designed tags to attach to our favors, and a note for our welcome bags for OOT guests
    - Submitted music requests to our church (which was exciting until the organist assigned to us wrote back a few - frankly - unprofessional emails about why our selections were inappropriate. Interestingly, they're all taken from the church's wedding recommendations lists and we talked through Qs we had with the priest. That's a story for another thread.)
    - Ordered our guestbook (one of those trees where people sign the leaves, off of Etsy)

    To do this week:
    - Finish welcome note & print out
    - Purchase loads of chocolate and peanut butter for our favors (buckeye candies!)
    - Wrap BM/GM gifts, figure out parent gifts
    - Sort out the ceremony music fiasco
    - Set up meeting with florist to go over how centerpieces and bouquets will look
    - Plan bachelorette party outfit!
    - Get BM dresses to their owners
    - Confirm hair & makeup trial
    - Drop off FI's ring to get engraved (Shh. It's a surprise!)
  • I have my bridesmaids shawls almost done. I need to get some stitch witchery stuff so the two sides of fabric don't slide all over and ruin the crisp edge at the top then close up the gap from turning them right side out.  

    First coat of stain on the card box. Need to get probably one more coat of stain on it and seal it. 

    Mom picked up a retouched photo of my sister and me when we were little. It turned out so well. I'm going to put it in a dual frame for a Then and Now set. The old photo is in Black and white so it'll look really good next to a color photo from the wedding. 

    Today we've got our third meeting with the pastor. 
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