
Venue Bio

Hi all, I used to be on this board before we got married in May, and now my sister has just gotten engaged.  I remember there being a bio with a lot of local venues.  Does anyone know if it still exists and have the link?  


Re: Venue Bio

  • edited December 2011
    I don't know anything about that list.... however, I too LOVE my snuggie!! I have the blue old school one too!
  • edited December 2011
    also.... I know that a bunch of people from this board had their weddings and then moved to "thenest" in the fall.... not sure where on thenest though...
  • edited December 2011
    There used to be one, but it was very out of date and I believe it was created or at least updated by a knottie that is a vendor.  I suggest posting on the Atlanta Nest Board asking for venue suggestions since most women on there have been married in the last year or two. 
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