

tell us all about your bachlorette party!

Re: **boxerfan**

  • edited December 2011
    OMG, it was so much FUN!!!There were 11 of us, and we stayed in my friends dads condo, which was right on a little canal, and only two units away from the pool.  There were only 26 other people in the whole complex, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves, which was great.  We spent all day every day either laying out by the pool, or laying out by the beach.  On thursday night we went out to this rum bar that was pretty much a big beach.  They had bonfires, and a drum circle with belly dancers, and their signature drink was a bucket of rum.  It was really fun.  Friday night was the big night.  My friends surprised me with a stripper, which was a little cheesy, but still lots of fun.  Then we had a van come get us, and take us out to a  tequila bar for dinner.  Apparently Friday was national tequila day, so the bar was giving out tons of free patron.  we got many shots, and a whole bottle for the table.  It was bad news.  From there we went out dancing to a few different clubs on Clematis street.  My friends dressed me up in all of the typical bachelorette gear, but the best part was this button they pinned to me.  It was a wheel that guys could spin with all different options like "dance with me" "give me a kiss" "tell me a secret".  But it was rigged, so it ALWAYS landed on "buy me a drink".  It was pretty awesome.   We were all in pretty rough shape on saturday, so that night was low key, and we just stayed in and chilled.It was such a great weekend.  I have the best friends ever.  And I'm SO EXCITED for the wedding now.  I'm really ready for it to get here already!!The downside is that I came home to a huge project with a ridiculous deadline at work, and shitty new neighbors who have started a boundary dispute with us at home.  So if I'm kind of quiet over the next few days that's why. Talk about being slammed back into reality :-(
    Baby Boxer is coming! 5.23.12
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