July 2012 Weddings

Saddest day I've had in a long time...

Warning: I wrote this on my phone so I'm sure there are typos, I just needed to get it out.

Yesterday my FI and I brought our dog Riley in for his routine shots. Hes had a few fatty lumps before and had one on his back but the vet said this one seemed different. She got a sample with a needle and it didn't really seem normal so she asked if we wanted to pay to have it tested. Luckily we said yes and today she called to tell us it's cancerous. This is my FI's dog and they have a relationship like I've never seen before. Of course it's sad for me, but my heart BREAKS for him. FI's broter has a brain tumor and both us feel like we just can't get a break. He told me, "everything gets cancer and dies.". It was so hard to hear him say that.

Now we're worried about paying for surgeries and treatments and I'm wondering what to do about the wedding, part of me just wants to cancel the whole thing and elope. His first surgery is on mon so we'll know more after that I'm sure.
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