
Nice or Annoying?

My room block (and the discounted room rate that goes with it) is only good until 8/21.  I'm thinking about sending an email next week to the OOT people who have told me that they're coming to the wedding, but who haven't reserved a room yet, reminding them about the 8/21 date.   Is this a nice thing to do, or is this overboard, and I should assume that my guests are big boys and girls capable of making their own travel arrangements. I just don't want anyone to miss out on the room discount.  The deadline is listed on our wedding website, and the address for that was on the STD, and on the invitation, but I know that a lot of people haven't visited it.
Baby Boxer is coming! 5.23.12

Re: Nice or Annoying?

  • askmetostayaskmetostay member
    edited December 2011
    i would or email the older OOT guests.  they might be less likely do go online and check it....but younger people should definitely be on their game.
  • edited December 2011
    I would absolutely remind people...we were just discussing this same issue this morning. There's no harm in sending a reminder. We have a master spreadsheet that FI is keeping and one column for out of town guests--whether they have booked a room or we know they have made other arrangements and we plan to contact those a week before the blocks at the 2 hotels expire to remind them. It also helps us get a better count for OOT bags.
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