

So my dress doesn't fit, my hair still needs to be colored by my friend 3 hours away, my preacher just cancelled on me because he found out we are having alcohol, my programs will have to be remade with a new preacher (we have no idea), I can't make our digital album for the rehearsal dinner bc my mom has my baby pics (she's 3 hours away), and I am making blueberry martinis and I have no idea how to serve them without being time consuming......did I tell you we are getting married in less than two weeks?


  • edited December 2011
    Wow, I'm sorry to hear all of this. Give Rev. Rob a call - he is flexible, personable and does all types of ceremonies. His fee is around $150-$
  • tanlynn1987tanlynn1987 member
    Ninth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    aww, that sucks! I'm sorry!  I'm sure you'll figure something out.  If all else fails, just call up a local church and explain your situation. I'm sure they'll have someone available if you're in a bind.I know how you feel about having a ton of things to do.  I have my FMIL coming in this Saturday for our 9.18.09 wedding and I still have a million DIY projects that need to get done laid out all over my living room floor.
  • edited December 2011
    Wow.  What a kind and great preacher.
  • sduncans09sduncans09 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh dear.  Maybe try the Unitarian Church to find an officiant for your ceremony?  Good luck with it all.  You can get married without a digital photo album, without coloring your hair, and without blueberry martinis!  No one will know the difference.  I'm sure you will be a beautiful bride.
  • bridecharismabridecharisma member
    edited December 2011
    'm also getting married on the 19th; here's some answers -buy a miracle suit- sears, macys you look 10 pounds smaller but its uncomfortable if youre not use to wearing it, i'd start now -you could go to a salon, those friend hair trials, unless shes a beautician dont seem to always work out -go online and google a new preacher or... cut the alcohol -leave the preachers name on the program, no one knows the difference and no one really cares that much -? martinis, dont understand when youre serving them hope this helped, im having my personal breakdown- but with family
  • SLee2SLee2 member
    edited December 2011
    FlossyI hope you were able to get everything together and I am sure you will be a beautiful bride and have a perfect day!  Congrats and enjoy YOUR special day Sat!!!
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