
Guest Invited and Guest RSVPed...

Hello Ladies,Is it necessary to have enough place settings for all the guests you invited? Or just have a enough place settings for the number of people who actually RSVPed? I have to submit my number to the carter next month so I want to make sure I give them the correct number.. I would hate to have more people than food.. That would really suck....:(Thanks...

Re: Guest Invited and Guest RSVPed...

  • edited December 2011
    Are you doing a buffet or seated dinner? I would call (or have someone call) the people who have not RSVP-ed by the cut off date to give you a better number. I would, however, add an additional 5-10 guests to the final number. There is always someone who did not think they had to RSVP because you "knew that they were coming".
  • edited December 2011
    @princessannie12, I am having a buffet style dinner.. That is my thinking - to have enough for the people who RSVP'd plus add'l seats just in case.. I was wondering if I was on the right track. Thanks...  
  • rzellarrzellar member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I think it's fair to have enough for those who RSVP'd and about 5% extra. That way you should be ok. Caterers normally add an extra 5-10% of the final guest count, just in case. Hope this helps...
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