We are paying for the wedding ourselves and have a small budget so sadly everything is about price for us!We have the venue for ceremony & reception (Little Gardens), the officiant (friend's dad & also our pastor), the photographer (friend of a friend), and the DJ (friend of grooms sister). Officiant is free, DJ is free, and photog is about 1/2 off so I feel like we are doing great with finding good deals! We also bought our invitations from Walmart because that was one of the things that we felt was least important. This is what they look like. I do plan on switching the ribbon to silver and putting a band of watermelon vellum paper around them with a seal just to try to personalize them. Ok on to the questions!I need to know places that offer cheap pricing on the following. I live in Lawrenceville if that helps! Flowers? Wedding party gifts? I have seen that theknot does great sales at time. Cake? I have seen Eileen Carter recommended a lot. What kind of pricing does she have. Anyone tried Publix? Videographer? Also is anyone going or ever been to Bride Beautiful Fall Gown Blowout in Roswell? I'm going with 3 BM's and my mom in Sunday and wondering if it's worth it and how crazy it is? I don't get to visit often because I work Mon-Fri but I would appreciate any help and suggestions! Thanks fellow knotties!