No question just a little vent and good news!
First bad news, our wedding is officially postponed until March 26, 2011. FI's parents can't get their appointment for their visas to come from Mexico until November and I don't want a cold weather wedding so we decided on March, not too cold then. I didn't like it at first but, then I did, since we were changing the site anyway, the one I wanted is available for the new date.
Now good news, I ordered my dress from a seller on Ebay and was really worried but, it came in and is BEAUTIFUL!! I got a brand new tags on MoriLee gown for $1200 less than what it woukd have cost me in a store. If anyone wants the store name PM and I will get it for you.
I haven't took any pictures of it since I got it but, believe me this picture DOES NOT do it justice!!