
Knottie of the Week: Jollysangel

Names of the couple?

Wedding Date?

How old are you? Your FI?

Occupations and dream occupations of the couple?

How long have you been dating?

Where did the you meet?

What was your first impression of your FI?

Most exciting thing about wedding planning so far?

Any wedding-related challenges yet?

Have you gotten the dress yet? If so, pic please! If not, post some that you like!

Any favorite vendors yet?

Colors or theme?

What are your top three wedding-related priorities?

Any children yet or furbabies?

Kids at wedding?

Where are you honeymooning?

Favorite book?

Favorite movie?

Favorite tv show?

Favorite wedding dress designer?

What is something you wish you could have at the wedding but don't?
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Re: Knottie of the Week: Jollysangel

  • edited December 2011
    Wow, Im sorry I wasnt on yesterday sorry so late..... but here goes Laughing
    Names of the couple? Katrice and Wesley

    Wedding Date? September 5, 2010

    How old are you? Your FI? me (25) FI (28)

    Occupations and dream occupations of the couple? Elementary school secretary, would like to work in graphic arts and design

    How long have you been dating? April 5th made 6yrs

    Where did the you meet? Over the phone( my best friend hooked up us) she is going to be our MoH

    What was your first impression of your FI? We talked on the phone for 4months and fell in love without ever seeing eachother, when we finally got to see eachother we made our relationship official
    Most exciting thing about wedding planning so far? Im excited to see how our wedding cake comes out, since Im from NYc and FI is from ATL, we are having our skylines hand painted on a later of the cake with the sky the colors of purple as if the sun was setting ( since our colors are dark and lite purple)

    Any wedding-related challenges yet? Non yet, just glad everything seems to be falling into place

    Have you gotten the dress yet? If so, pic please! If not, post some that you like! about to finish off payments, Fi is sittng next to me right now so Pics later

    Any favorite vendors yet? Cake is my fav so far, yumm yumm yummy

    Colors or theme? Royal Purple, lilac and cream

    What are your top three wedding-related priorities? hmm. right now, caterer, honeymoon, and rings

    Any children yet or furbabies? None yet but FI is dying to have his first dog, a German Sheppard we're going to name Jolly (after my late grandfather's nickname)

    Kids at wedding?yes, Im the oldest sister, and cousin so to say no kids is kinda harsh, there will be more teens than kid kids

    Where are you honeymooning? Our first honeymoon, Royal Caribbeans Oasis of the Seas, 7day cruise to St.Thomas, St.Maarten, and the Bahamas

    Favorite book? right now, Wait till your Vampire gets Home

    Favorite movie? just saw Kick Ass this week, that is defintely on the top list for this yr

    Favorite tv show? The View

    Favorite wedding dress designer?Loved Private Label by G

    What is something you wish you could have at the wedding but don't? I wanted fireworks at the end but Fi is against it, and since its in a residental area I guessit wont work

    Thanks for the honor!!!
  • cutypie953cutypie953 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Royal purple is totally the "in" color right now!  I had that as one of my main colors and I think one of the past week's knotties' color was royal purple!  I have to say, it makes a great color in pictures!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you for sharing! I love that your screen name is a shout out to your late grandfather. Your cake sounds like it will look really cool. Make sure to come back and share pics with us after your wedding. Are you planning to celebrate all weekend long...that's Labor Day weekend right?
    AAW June Siggy Challenge
    My Daddy and Me Image and video hosting by TinyPic Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I love that you fell in love over the phone!!! So cute!

    I love The View too! I DVR it every night and then watch it while I cook dinner!

    The fireworks crack me up! I bet the neighbors wouldn't appreciate it as much as your guests would! That would be awesome!!

    Good to get to know you better!

  • edited December 2011
    Cutypie...I grew up in love with pink but I started to fall in love with purple (I go through phases lol) but Royal purple has a lot of great accent colors

    Eagles....I plan to party all the week leading up to the wedding and since our honeymoon starts sept 11th for 7days, I'll be partying all the week after :)

    Annetastic...(cute name) we use to talk on the phone from night till morning, falling asleep on the phone and scrambling in the bed the next morning just to call and say "good morning"
  • edited December 2011
    So happy to read more about you! Your wedding will be here before you know it! What do you have left to do?
    My Wedding Planning Bio (Updated January 24, 2011)
    Created by Wedding Favors
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    image 102 Making the Trip to Atlanta Smiley!
    image 64 Can't make the trip to Atlanta Smiley!
    image 6 Can't decide or won't let us know Smiley!
    R.S.V.P Deadline April 30th!!! SMH!
  • edited December 2011

    Your cake sounds like it will be AWESOME!! I can't wait for pics :)

    My FI and I are opposite on the fireworks issue... he really wants them, and I could take or leave it. But our venue doesn't allow them, so it doesn't matter anyway! lol

    Purple is one of my colors too... I love purple. Pink has always been my fav, so I had to add it in as an accent color :)

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