Hi All,
Not only am I having the hardest time finding and deciding on a venue but I am blown away by some by these catering fees. My preference would be to let my family cook and that way I know everyone will enjoy the food. However, the fiancé would prefer the event to be catered so that the family can “enjoy” themselves and not have to “work”.
With that being said, my first dilemma is that these catering prices are ridiculous. Secondly, I don’t want to spend a bunch of money on food that I know most of them may not eat. I’m fine with fruit trays, fancy cheeses, carving stations and pretty little entrees on a plate however, my family likes southern cooking. And since I know that’s what they like, I would like to provide that for them. Not saying they wouldn’t eat what is being served but I would like them to really, really enjoy the food. The problem is that I can’t seem to find any caterers that specialize in this type of food.
Knotties, if you know of reputable caterers (or restaurants that will cater) that offer fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, and other southern dishes, PLEASE let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for listening.
Vent is done.