
Unusual question

Hi!  Any help would be great as I'm not quite sure what my options are concerning this matter.

Has anyone married someone from another country?

My FI is from Canada and he has been here on a student visa.  He is currently working on graduate school applications and we are planning on getting married in March.

Does anyone have an advice on going about this whole immigration issue?

Has anyone worked with or know of any immigration attorneys or places I could look into for help?

As you can see, we're sooo lost.  Any advice would be great.  Thanks!!

Re: Unusual question

  • My_MattMy_Matt member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    My ex- SIL is from another country and and they had to deal with the imigration stuff. She still lives in the Atlanta area, so I will shoot her an email and see what info I can get for you.
    I wonder if Prince William and Kate are registered at Target?
  • edited December 2011
    My FI is from the UK. We visited an immigration attorney for advice (I can find the name if you like) on this topic.

    You can get a fiance visa, but you have to get married within 90 days. You can also ask for an extended visa (rather than the usual visa waiver) which is good for six months. You don't have the right to work with either. After you get married he applies for a change of status. It seems overly complicated to me so I'm letting him handle it.

    There are lots of boards on the net with advice and places you can buy all the forms you need or you can have an attorney handle everything.
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