July 2012 Weddings

AW PIP My brooch bouquet progress

I know some of you aren't into these, but I love brooch bouquets and I think mine is finally starting to look how I want it to.  I've spent months on this stupid thing so it has definitely been a labor of love.  I hated the color of the flowers at first, but it has since grown on me.

It still needs some more brooches and fillers and the handle wrapped, but it's almost done!

I'm thinking of losing the green leaves... they don't really go with my colors (black, white, fuschia)
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Re: AW PIP My brooch bouquet progress

  • Very pretty :)  Where do you buy all of your brooches from?
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  • I think it is very pretty. It is something different. :)
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  • I love it! How many brooches do you have on it already? It is very pretty! I have about 35 already. From Michaels and Hobby Lobby and a few odd places. I am thinking I may need 30 more. I am having a hard time figuring out how to put it together. I dont want any flowers showing. But yours looks really good! 
  • Looks great! But I think I agree with you about the leaves. Or maybe you can find smaller ones?
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  • Thanks, ladies!  I think I'm going to replace the green leaves with ivory ribbon.  I'll have to play around with it to see how it looks.  The green leaves came already attached to the hydrangeas, so I'll just cut them off.

    hunterneal07 - I lost count! haha it's definitely over 50 at this point, and I have a handful more that just aren't in the bouquet yet.  Let me know if you need any pointers when you start assembling!  Mine took about 4 tries before I got it "right."
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  • Look at that! so creative and pretty!!
    I love all the silver- you are going to just sparkle down the aisle!!
    Are you making brooch bouquets for your bridesmaids? or will they carry real flowers?
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  • Aww I love it! I was originally going to do this but it seemed like too much work, lol, you're much more dedicated than I am. It looks amazing!
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  • Nati05Nati05 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited January 2012
    It looks amazing! Congrats on the progress! :)
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2012-weddings_aw-pip-brooch-bouquet-progress?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:066005ef-215f-48b1-8655-328b41e07c52Discussion:7d25bad1-3eaa-4bd6-9b8d-618768fe37ebPost:e403c454-e9ea-4bca-a161-57702005158d">Re: AW PIP My brooch bouquet progress</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thank you  :) <a href="http://www.fabulousbrooch.com" rel="nofollow">www.fabulousbrooch.com</a>
    Posted by k8888[/QUOTE]

    Omgosh you just opened up a whole brooch world for me!! Thanks a ton for posting this link! I've been thinking about getting a pair of brooches in case I need to end up DIY my shoe embellishments. I've even been thinking about getting a brooch and DIYing my hair comb as well, since they're all so pricey out there!

    So just a question, what are these brooches like when you get them? Are these the brooches with pins on the back? Would you say they would be suitable for other DIY projects like shoe clips or haircombs?
  • Nati05Nati05 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2012-weddings_aw-pip-brooch-bouquet-progress?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:066005ef-215f-48b1-8655-328b41e07c52Discussion:7d25bad1-3eaa-4bd6-9b8d-618768fe37ebPost:3ed0dbae-2007-47c5-a109-b93994faf958">Re: AW PIP My brooch bouquet progress</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: AW PIP My brooch bouquet progress : Thank you for this site- I just ordered 2 pins at 2.50 each. Ill decide which one Im going to make into a hairpiece when they come in. :) 
    Posted by elizabethmae315[/QUOTE]

    Which did you order? Will you be using the hairpiece more like a small pin? Or a wide comb?

    I want to wear a comb with a half down hairstyle like this<img id="il_fi" style="padding-bottom:8px;width:178px;padding-right:8px;height:157px;padding-top:8px;" src="http://cristinajanusz.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/half-updo-2.jpg" alt="" width="310" height="300" />

    <img style="width:219px;height:272px;" class="mainphoto" src="http://pics.gallery.weddingbee.com/9022.inspiration-34440_807784835693_1421427.jpg.resize" alt="My Half Up/Half Down Wedding Hairstyle" width="167" height="350" />

    Not sure if I can find a brooch to do this with. That's why I'm curious to know what kind of brooch you got and which style hairpiece.
  • aghhhh its beautiful wow!!!!!!
  • I love love love brooch bouquets. I just don't have the time or patience to do one.
    So beautiful! 
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