July 2012 Weddings

How are you using your e-pics?

I just got the full gallery of our engagement pictures from our photographer and I love them! We only did the session as a way to get comfortable with our photog before the wedding. Now, I'm trying to think of creative ways to use the pictures either at the wedding or for other things.

We do get a 20-page guestbook with an e-pic on one page and signature page on the facing one (included in our photography package).

Anyone have any other creative uses for theirs?
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Re: How are you using your e-pics?

  • We are using our e-pics in our guestbook.  It comes with the photo package we got from our photographer.
    . Anniversary aandt image
  • We made our table numbers with some of them. 

    We also got a photobook with our package that we'll put on escort card table or the gift table.  We've hung a few up in our bedroom and we sent our parents, aunts & uncles & grandparents a 5x7 or and 8x10....
  • I think I might do them as a signing matt for the guest book.  Other than that we are printing some off and putting them in frames for our parents and such.  

  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2012-weddings_using-e-pics?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:066005ef-215f-48b1-8655-328b41e07c52Discussion:968809ea-a041-4afe-9b6f-b4f4c698bacePost:7401dd85-d745-40d9-80f8-31bb9dcfb5a0">How are you using your e-pics?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just got the full gallery of our engagement pictures from our photographer and I love them! We only did the session as a way to get comfortable with our photog before the wedding. Now, I'm trying to think of creative ways to use the pictures either at the wedding or for other things. We do get a 20-page guestbook with an e-pic on one page and signature page on the facing one (included in our photography package). Anyone have any other creative uses for theirs?
    Posted by BmoreBride311[/QUOTE]

    We are doing the guest book as well.  I got 2 of them enlarged to an 8X10 and framed them and hung 1 up in the living room and 1 will be in our hallway upstairs.  We also framed a 5X7 for both of our parents as part of their gift.
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  • Depending on what we do for a guestbook, maybe a signing mat.  Other than that, they're kind of just for us to have updated pics around the house. :)

    Wedding Countdown Ticker weddingpreview
  • We bought a 16x20 frame for our guests to sign as a guestbook with one of our e-pics in it so we can hang it up when we get a house.
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  • Doing ours on the guestbook and not sure what else yet.... Probably going to have some of them up in a frame on our wall.
    doggie Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We used ours for STD's. We may do a guestbook, and maybe table numbers I haven't decided yet. I also gave copies to my parents and FI's parents so they can have nice current photos. Since my FI is camera shy its nice to have some good pictures of him.

    image 180 invited image 145 are ready to party image 35 are missing out image 0! can't find the mailbox rsvp's due back June 20th! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We used ours for our STD and as our sign guest board(a framed pic our guests can engrave) for the reception, we will also use a few to be put around our cocktail reception room.
    Once in awhile,right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. Wedding Countdown Ticker Photobucket
  • We have a table we are decorating with old pictures of us before you walking into the ceremony room.  We will put a couple there with some older pictures of us as well.

    We also have a fireplace mantle to decorate behind the head table. We are going to blow up one for there. We also have a gorgeous S (our last name) to put up there and a clock that looks like a peacock. 
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