Satan and Jesus had been arguing on a particular point of evil for a few weeks before the storm.
The Lord was getting tired of listening to all this arguing, decided a way to stop it once and for all.
He got Satan & Jesus together and gave them an assignment. Before the storm was over, they both had to write a 1,000 word essay explaining their side of the argument. Not one minute past the end of the storm was allowed.
Satan & Jesus each sat down at their computers and started writing out their essay supporting their side of the argument. Both, very sure of their side, were typing like mad, hoping to be the first done and present the best side.
Suddenly, the hurricane caused the power to go out. No lights, nothing.
Rather quickly, the power was restored and both Satan and Jesus went back to their essays. Five minutes later, Jesus handed his essay over to his Father.. Satan was furious because the power outage had lost his entire essay! He went to the Lord, arguing that it wasn't fair because the power outage had erased his essay.
The Lord nodded for a minute and then he said. "It was completely fair. Don't you know that