Hey ladies. Thanks for all your advice on finding the best wedding dress. The advice for bringing boy shorts was perfect!! I was glad I had them. Well- I thought I found the perfect dress! It was the first dress that I tried on and after trying on about 10 others we went back to that dress. We didnt buy it that day- because the lady was rushing us because she had another bride and we were starving and wanted to go talk about it over lunch. We ended up not going back that day- not for any specific reason but we had every intention of going back to buy that dress!! The problem now is that I was just watching bridezilla and one of the "bitchy" brides is wearing my dress!! This might sound crazy or superficial- but I am afraid that it has changed my mind on the perfect dress!! I feel like maybe I should keep looking now. Is this crazy?? and TODAY is exactly 6 months until our wedding day- maybe I am just starting to freak out a little- HELP!! any advice on my situation would be appreciated....