
Advice needed

So this past Tuesday evening, my cousin chose to take his own life. I am getting married in 6 weeks and I am wanting to do something in memory of him. To give you a back story, my godmother died in December and I was originally planning on dedicating Ave Maria to her. Now that my cousin has died, I am thinking of having the vocalist actually sing a song in memory of the both of them. So what i am asking is:Is it too soon after his death to dedicate a song to him (will it make people too upset?)Also, which song should I pick for the vocalist to sing in memory of the both of them?thank you so much. I would have never imagined having to deal with something like this so close to my wedding and my mind is a fog.

Re: Advice needed

  • edited December 2011
    I don't think that its ever too soon to remember someone.  I have lost a few family members that I was close to, and I am doing a little blurb in the program as well as a memorial candle for them.  I was going to suggest using Ave Maria, but it looks like you have that covered.  Maybe you could use that song as kind of an all encompassing one?
  • catbarnes09catbarnes09 member
    edited December 2011
    So sorry you have lost someone close. I don't think it's too soon to do something special in his memory. Ave Maria is still a good choice. While it is a moving song, it is not so specific to either your godmother or him to invoke particular memories.
  • DebbydewDebbydew member
    Ninth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm so sorry to hear that, you and your family are in my thoughts. This is probably shaky territory. It it ultimately up to you, since it's your wedding and you know your family best and how they will react. My thoughts are that a song evokes a lot of emotion. After my grandpa died, I could not listen to ANY slow song on the radio for months without crying my eyes out. A song during the ceremony might bring out some reactions that are very sad for what should be a very happy time, especially since the feelings after only six weeks will still be very fresh. Maybe a picture or a candle would work. Good luck with whatever you decide, and best wishes.
  • stosha1stosha1 member
    edited December 2011
    While I don't think it would be too soon, I would be scared that your wedding would become this remembrance to those who aren't with us anymore, envoking sad thoughts when you should be concentrating on the happy, weddingy stuff. Could you just have have a candle burning, not say anything, maybe put something in the program? I just think making a big deal out of a really sad event at something that's supposed to be about love and foreverness and you and your FI would be kind of a bad idea.And if I didn't specifically know the deceased person (like if they were on the other side of the family) I would feel weird sitting there while all of these people were crying at a wedding about someone I didn't know.I'm all for happy tears. Sad tears make me sad.
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