New York

Invitation advice? it looks like Monday will be the BIG mailing day.  Does anyone have any last minute tips that might save me alot of hastle later on?  I have decided to number my response cards (heard that people aren't always the best at writing thier names on the line).  Other than that I feel like I am going to mail them out and THEN realize I should have done this or that! 

Re: Invitation advice?

  • CD2011CD2011 member
    edited December 2011

    I'm assuming by the pic (although I can't see it that well) that yours slide into a separate outer envelope? Just making sure because I had the seal and send kind, and the seals that came with them did NOT stick at all. I had to go back and put this sticky stuff on the inside of all of them (looked horrible) so they didn't fall apart in the mail.

    And hopefully you had them weighed at the post office before stamping them all. I read about one girl who had ALL of hers sent back because there was not enough postage on them!

    And if they're not already sealed up, double check they all have all of the enclosures! My brother & SIL got a return envelope, but didn't get an RSVP card! Good thing it was them and not someone else!

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  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Numbering is good!  (Although I haven't had to use mine yet.)

    Can't think of anything else.  But yay for mailing invites!!
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto the weighing thing. 

    I put stamps on 1/2 of my invites... THEN took one to the post office to have it weighed... (genius, right?) turns out I needed the sixty-whatever cent stamps instead.  Grrrr.  I tried to figure out how the heck to get the $.44 ones off (cheap, I know...  but it was like $40 worth of dang stamps)... THEN put the $.60-ish ones on.  I was pissed.  I ended up just sticking the $.60 ones on top for about 1/2 of them.  I consider it my donation to the failing postal service.
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  • rsfan23rsfan23 member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Ditto PPs, weigh them and definitely number the response cards. 

    I also double checked everything before I sealed them.
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  • Happily9Happily9 member
    Knottie Warrior 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    thanks everyone...sorry it was a post and reception on my phone as i am "roughing it" at a campground.
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