New York

Wish me luck...

Today FI and I are driving to Albany for our parents to meet each other!  I'm sure it will go fine, but I'm definitely nervous.  His parents can say some random inappropriate comments.  If it was up to FI's parents, they would meet mine at the wedding haha.  We're meeting at a restaurant for lunch.  Does anyone have a funny or embarrassing story from when your parents met?  I'll try to check this post from my blackberry, but I might not be home until tomorrow.  Have a good weekend everyone!
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Re: Wish me luck...

  • edited December 2011
    Good luck! My story isn't funny, per se, but it was probably funny if you were on outsider watching me because I was acting ridiculous.

    The first time our parents met was at our tiny little one-bedroom apartment in Syracuse for our graduation this past May. Now, I'm going to hve to spell it alllll out very slowly, because it can get confusing. We had, here in the building:

    - FI's dad
    - FI's step-mom, who raised him because his bio-mom is still in Ghana where he was born (parents are actually divorced as of December, btw)
    - FI's 18-year old little cousin who has been raised by FI's parents for almost all of his life to the point that he calls FI's parents mom and dad
    - FI's 10-year old little half brother (of Fi's dad and step-mom)
    **All of the above drove here from Yonkers (NYC)**
    - My dad, the guy who lives in a nursing home because he has a short-term memory problem, who tells the same story over and over, and has to continually ask people what their name is because he can't remember
    - My "step-mom," a woman my dad was engaged to 16 years ago but after they broke up she stayed close becuse of my family problems going on and then she ended up being my grandma and grandpa's nurse until they died, and now she takes care of my dad.
    - Missing in action: "Step-mom's" son, who was actually born her daughter who has recently undergone a gender transition
    **Both of the above came from Rochester**
    - My mom's ex-husband who I've always loved and had a good relationship with, still visit once or twice a year
    - His wife (3rd wife)
    - His wife's 12-ish son
    - His daughter from his 2nd marriage
    - My 19-year old half brother (his son with my mom, 1st wife)
    - Missing in action were: my 16-year old half sister (his daughter with my mom) and his current wife's 15-year old daughter
    **All of the above came from Odessa, which is near Watkins Glen**

    I'm a very anxious person, I get severe anxiety when there's big events going on and I was ESPECIALLY anxious about this meet-and-greet between all of these "families." So what did I do? Once FI's family got here, I went into our bedroom and shut the door and stayed by myself. My "step-mom" came in and gave me a lorazepam so I could calm down, and she said everything was going just fine and everyone was getting along and chatting a little bit with one another.

    At least it's over. See y'all at the rehearsal dinner.
  • CD2011CD2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I don't even remember when our parents met, so apparently nothing exciting happened! For some reason I feel like our moms met when the 3 of us went to look at wedding dresses a year ago.

    No idea when my parents met FI's dad and step mom, but my mom and his dad used to sit next to each other in English in HS so technically they met a long time ago. Small world! 

    As long as both sets of parents respect you and FI, then you shouldn't have any problems. I'm sure they will try to make it easy on you. Good luck, and make sure to report back to let us know how it went!
    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • CD2011CD2011 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:621Discussion:911aa7d0-72ea-444a-bfb5-6f80c6c21c61Post:0535aad7-bede-4168-b8aa-c77fb81dce3b">Re: Wish me luck...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good luck! My story isn't funny, per se, but it was probably funny if you were on outsider watching me because I was acting ridiculous. Posted by lornarose07[/QUOTE]

    Didn't quote the whole thing since it was long, but WOW. Definitely a difficult situation. I think ANYONE would be feeling anxiety. Definitely drink a couple glasses of wine BEFORE the RD!
    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I know exactly how you feel. I am so nervous for our families to meet!! I love my FI's parents as well as my own but my family is just....well, let's say unusual. I'm from the Albany area too and his parents are from the Buffalo area so they said they would like to come out here and meet them sometime in the next couple of months. Just the thought of it gives me a stomach ache lolol I hope your night goes well!!! Keep us posted.  :) 
  • kks4471kks4471 member
    500 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Whew, the lunch went well!! Cracker Barrel was the perfect place to meet, nice big casual restaurant. No embarrassing stories, and everyone enjoyed each other. Huge relief that they like each other, and are excited for the wedding. Lorna, I feel so bad for what you went through, yikes! At least the get togethers aren't very often.
    Photobucket Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    No embarrassing stories here, but I knew DH in HS as the step brother of 3 brothers I grew up with. My bff dated DHs brother forever so when MIL married SFIL I heard all of these hooooorrible stories about her and about how passive SFIL was. I grew up in a smallish town and we all know each others business. Just to add to the "shes horrible" drama, bff's mom and my mom have been bff their whole life. So needless to say my parents were none to thrilled to actually meet the in-laws.

    But Im glad everyting went well! We all typically fear the worst.

    People are inherently stupid. Weddings make it painfully obvious -- KevinandMonica
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • sbolger17sbolger17 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Also glad to hear it went well! 

    My mother just met my FIL's at my shower in July.  Then she came over for dinner at FIL's house the next day.  I was nervous about it but it went well.  Everyone liked each other, although FFIL got drunk at the dinner!  It was weird because he usually doesn't drink all that much.  Haha, oh well!
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