Just to keep all my wonderful Knotties in the loop...
Sooo... yesterday I noticed some spotting and I got really nervous. For whatever reason, I decided to take another pregnancy test (to reassure myself, maybe?)... and it was negative. I freaked out and bought 3 more. all 3 came back negative. I was so sick and upset all night. This morning, I bled pretty bad. I called my OB as soon as they opened and explained... they had me come right over.
I just got back from the OB and I did have a "chemical" pregnancy or an early miscarriage... I was trying to prepare for the worst, hope for the best... but I think I was still holding out hope... I think I am just numb right now.
TBH, at first I was completely shocked that we were able to conceive so quickly. I had been on the pill for about 12 years and it took less than 2 months after I stopped for my BFP. The first day or 2 after I don't think it completely sunk in. Then Sunday/Monday I was really starting to get excited about everything... now I am just devastated. What a roller coaster.
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