So DH and I will be soon be booking our late honeymoon to Vegas in September. After looking around and doing tons of research I decided that the Signature looked amazing and really reasonable. I do have some questions, though. It looks like we have a lot of booking options. The cheapest I have found so far is to book the room through their website and get the tickets from the airline. But, the website also does air/hotel packages. Or I just discovered that you can rent a room through vrbo. I'm thinking the safest way to go is through their website, especially for the room. We'd like to play the honeymoon card when we get there and see if they can get us a good room with a view and booking with them will probably help us with that. Also, to those of you with experience in Vegas, how will weather and crowds be about the 2nd/3rd week of Sept? Any recs on things to do that don't involve casinos? Any good places to go for food? Enlighten me, please! TIA