Our wedding is on Nov. 21st of this year. We had a very generous friend of the family give us his mountain cabin for our honeymoon week, free of charge. We are super excited to go, because we love it there. We would be leaving Sunday morning, and returning either Wednesday night or Thursday morning, because FI wants to be home for Thanksgiving dinner, and his mom has kind of made a big deal about it. I am secretly hoping we get snowed in and can't make it home. I just feel like, 1. we just got married and this is the only honeymoon we will get, and 2. what is so important about one dinner? Missing it one time? We spend alot of time with them already, and I really love them and couldn't ask for better inlaws, but geez. Can't we have this once in a lifetime thing, and miss Thanksgiving? I think it's because me and FI are the only reason FMIL cooks, because FSIL and her family travel to visit her husband's family for the holiday every year. It's not like they don't have other family to celebrate the holiday with, FFIL is one of 7, and FMIL is one of 5. If I am being selfish, please feel free to say so, but I really don't want to rush home from my honeymoon. I kind of feel like this one-time event out weighs a turkey