Honeymoon Discussions


FI and I are discussing honeymoon options and we're on a budget of about $1500. I've heard that cruises are more economical and you can visit several spots instead of just going to one. What is everyone' experience with cruises if you've been on one. Has anyone been on a European cruise? Did you have to fly to Europe to board the ship? TIA!

Re: Cruises

  • Oh yeah, our wedding is Oct. 30, 2010 so we'll probably go first week of November, if it makes a difference.
  • Depending on how you normally travel, cruises can be economical.  FI and I usually stay in budget hotels, eat street food and take the subway when we travel.  Therefore, the cruise we're taking for the honeymoon is the most expensive trip we've ever taken BY FAR.We're planning an eastern Mediterranean cruise and yes, you have to fly to Europe to board the ship.  There are transatlantic cruises that you might want to look into - they are very economical since there aren't many ports.  Honestly, I do not think you will find a European cruise with your budget.  We're budgeting about $1200 for flights to Venice for the two of us (airline prices arent' out for that time of year yet but this is a fair estimate), and that doesnt' include the cruise itself.  Are you interested in any places in the Caribbean?  Those are usually cheaper and it's still warm in November.  No matter where you are in the US, I imagine it'll be cheaper to fly to Florida or New Orleans instead of Europe.Hope that helps!
    10.10.10 Bride! Our Bio Updated 9/26
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  • Every real vacation I've been on has been a cruise, so I may be biased, but I love them :) They're definitely economical. We've only gone on Carnival cruises - they're fun and by far the cheapest. We always book the cheapest room they have, but often wind up upgrading a week or so before the cruise. They'll often just call you and say they're doing a promo. On the last one we upgraded to a balcony suite for $100 more per person. Actually, it was on that balcony that we became engaged!There are always lots of food options, lots of things to do.. The excursions we've been on have ALWAYS been worth it..I've never been on a European cruise, but we're considering it for our honeymoon. There are transatlantic cruises that leave from North America (usually Florida), but we don't want to do that because we would waste time on the water that could be better spent in a European city.. If you live in North America and don't want to cross the Atlantic on the ship, you'll obviously have to fly to Europe to board and disembark. Even if you do a transatlantic cruise, you would have to fly one way..
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Europe would probably be expensive because of the flight prices, but a carribean trip could fit very well in your budget.There are plenty of carribean cruises that i think you can get at your budget that would be really beautiful and enjoyable. And if you budget right, you can get alot of bang for your buck on a cruise. I don't know if you are for or against the honeymoon registry (i know there has been alot of debate) but if you are for it, you can pay for all the essentials yourself and then register maybe one or 2 excursions and a nice dinner on a honeymoon registry for your cruise. I think even some cruise lines offer guests to buy gifts and excursions directly with the cruise and it will be available when you board. But if not, you could definitely just relax or enjoy an inexpensive tour on your destinations. You could eat the entire trip and never pay anything extra. There is scheduled dining every night and free room service if you want to enjoy a romantic dinner, just the two of you, in your cabin.I say, if you find a cruise you like and fits your budget, then go for it!
  • Cruises are great.  I have only been on one and I can't wait to go again.  You can definitely find one within your budget.  Liked mentioned above, since the food and room service is included in your overall price, you can eat as much as you like!The excursions can get costly, so pick what you would like to do best.  I know when I went, I didn't do an excursion at each port...I just hung out and relaxed.  Yes, and doing a European Cruise (plan tickets, etc)...that can get very expensive...so maybe plan for that in the future.Good luck and I hope you find a wonderful cruise.  Here is a website that may be helpful:http://www.cruisecritic.com/
    A happy newlywed...now time to start a family!
  • if you take a cruise from the US to europe or europe or back to the US then yes-of course you'd have to fly one way-either to or from europe. if you want to take a cruise around europe I'm not sure how you'd get there except to fly....on a budget of 1500 total estimating 800 a person for a flight you'd already be over budget.  your bio doesn't say where you live so it's hard to guess... dh and I took a 12 night med cruise-not HM-just vacation (with 4 nights in rome first) last sept/oct and after all is said and done it was about 8 or 9 k for all.


  • I have never been on a cruise, but I see everyone keeps mentioning that the food is included...what about drinks?  My friend went on a cruise and said at the end they had a $600 tab for booze?  Idk just something to think about :)
  • From what I remembered on my Carnival cruise (it was about 6 years ago), drinks were not included in the price.I believe for alcohol, you paid as you drank and for soda, there was a drink card.  You paid a flat rate and that soda drink card was good throughout the whole trip...on the ship (dinner, at the bar, etc).  I can't remember how much that cost though.  If you did not have the drink card, then you would pay for soda as you go.  The drink card came out cheaper.
    A happy newlywed...now time to start a family!
  • I would be floored if you were able to do a European cruise for $1500 - and if you DO find one, please let me know!We did the Exotic Western cruise on the Carnival Valor 2 years ago.  I LOVED it!  I want to say it was about $650pp for the cruise for 7 days, not counting airfare, gratuities, excursions, or alcohol.  Thankfully, neither of us drink much because the alcohol was really expensive.  What we DID drink, we drank in the port cities, not on the ship - MUCH cheaper!  We did get the soda cards, and also brought along water bottles so we could take juice out of the buffet area and back to our room.  Our shore excursions were gifts we got for Christmas, one was my birthday gift to FI (then bf), etc and we chose some of the cheaper ones.
  • Alcohol is not included in the price of the cruise, but having been on 12 cruises, I find that the price of alcohol is the same as you would pay anyplace else.  It runs around $4 for a beer and about $5-$8 for a mixed drink or wine and that included the tip.  I don't recall much being more than that.  It is the same price you would find in any restaurant and most bars.  There are many "tricks" to cruising and the best resource I have ever found in the website cruisecritic dot com.  You can find any and all information you need for cruising.  You can get some GREAT cruise deals if you are traveling off season.  I know my TA just posted some for  this month that were $196 pp for 7 days.  Just $28 a day.  Of course, it is off season and short notice and you cannot pick your cabin.  You can find some GREAT deals depending on when you are traveling.  And if you book a cruise and the price goes down, your TA should be able to get your money back at least in the form of shipboard credit.  BE SURE TO USE A TA!!!!  You will not regret it.  good luck
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