Honeymoon Discussions

Trip Insurance

Are any of you girls getting trip insurance for your honeymoon???  I have never used it in the past but we have also never spent this much on a vacation either.  What do you think???

Re: Trip Insurance

  • we are getting the insurance cause the trip is over 4500 and the insurance covers almost anything and we would get a full refund.
  • I am definitly getting it. You never know what might happen and it would really stink if you were to lose out on all of that money. A couple years ago FI and I were suppose to go away and our basement flooded so we couldnt go. we had the insurance so we got all of our money back and we were able to go another time.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We've never used in the past either. we decided to get it for this trip. it's definitely worth it. it just offers us a piece of mind knowing that if anything goes wrong (natural diaster, somebody getting sick before the trip, politcal unrest etc) we can cancel and get a refund. it also covers loss or delayed baggage and medical care. it's worth looking into. we used travelguard.com
  • We got it this time. Just read it carefully to make sure it covers more than just weather and if you have restrictions of having to take the trip with in a year or if you just get a refund. I have heard some horror stories about the insurance not covering things. I got the insurance through our TA so that I would know for sure what it covered.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i've used insuremytrip.com for years. it's an excellent site that allows you to compare policies from different ins. companies as per your trip specifics. not all policies are the same. be sure you read/understand the terms, limits, conditions and exclusions-just like regular home, auto etc.. insurance.


  • I'm definitely getting it for the HM. After a friends issue with the swine flu outbreak weeks before her HM to Mexico I saw how valueable it was to her.
    336a Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have gotten it in the past.  It was probably the best decision we made because we had to use it to switch our trip.  We planned to go to Mexico and then the swine flu broke out there, so we decided to switch our destination to Jamaica the last minute and didn't have to pay a dime to switch it cause of the insurance.  Definitely worth it cause you never know what can happen..
  • I have yearly travel insurance. I would get it, not only does it cover your travel, but if you get sick or hurt it is medical insurance as well.
  • We never did until our Hm and we're glad we did. We were heading to Mexico at the height of the swine flu and we didn't have to worry about not getting to have our HM, we just also had to go to a different location. (We booked well before H1N1 was in the news)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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