Honeymoon Discussions

Honeymoon registry, anyone?

Has anyone used an online honeymoon registry?   Where you happy with the end result?  Referrals??

Re: Honeymoon registry, anyone?

  • we used honeyfund.com. They don't take out a fee, unless the guest paypals you the money, amd then it's paypal that takes the fee, not honeyfund. We were very happy with the result. most people brought checks or cash the day of the wedding, and only a small handful of people used paypal, so the fees were minimal. any other questions about honeyfund, let me know! good luck! 
    BFP #1: 12/5/11, M/C 12/19/11
    BFP #2: 5/22/12 Due 2/1/13 Baby girl born 2/2/13
  • thanks for your help!!
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