Alright... I am in a bit of a hurry... otherwise I would search through the wall to see if anyone else has asked this.
I need opinions ladies. We are going on our honeymoon June 9-16... We have our heart set on a resort but with things coming up and what not... it is starting to look like it might be too expensive. We are all about having options at the resorts. I know a lot of adult only resorts are very low key. What do you think, would you be up to going to a family style resort for your honeymoon... in June?? Remember all of the kiddos are starting their summer vacation.
Im not sure what we want to do.
Also, when did or are you planning to leave for your honeymoon. As of right now we are leaving the following Saturday but in a way I would like to leave on that Monday unfortunately a lot of travel agent chartered planes do not leave on Mondays. Just thinking I might have to go to work the week between the wedding and honeymoon is kind of a buzz kill.