Honeymoon Discussions

Anyone taken/taking a Disney Cruise for their honeymoon?

Hey brides!

We just booked ours last week aboard the new ship, the Disney Dream. We're so excited!

Anyone here been on or planning on a Disney cruise for their honeymoon?
Any specific excursions or activities aboard we must do? (We're doing the 5-day Bahamian)


Re: Anyone taken/taking a Disney Cruise for their honeymoon?

  • I haven't but that sounds like so much fun. You might have some luck if you try the travel board on the Nest. I've seen a few posts about Disney cruises there and they all seem positive.
  • not for my HM but a few years before dh and i were married we did a land/sea thing. i loved the cruise. we dont have (or want) kids and happily found it was just as geared towards adults as it is for kids.


  • We hope to take one in the future. How exciting!

  • That sounds so fun! I hope it's a blast! Let us know afterwards how it went!!! =]
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