Honeymoon Discussions

Change of Plans...need assistance (please)

We originally planned an unforgettable honeymoon to Australia and Fiji for January 2012. Then Hurricane Irene hit and flooded our basement (we don't live in a flood zone so we didn't have flood insurance) and our car is on its last legs with 120k miles, so basically life happened. So we decided to take our dream vacation for our 5 year anniversary and now I need to pick someplace else. We decided an affordable locale would be Mexico.

My husband (as of 8/27/11 Wink) was born and raised in the Caribbean and has been there done that. Any suggestions for locations under $2500 for 7 days would be great. Or if you specifically would like to suggest someplace in Mexico or a travel agent. I'm trying to book this trip by the end of the month, thanks Knotties!

Oh and we live in the NYC tri-state area
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