I know I prolly should be extremely happy for my friend but im kind of upset I guess is how you could put it. Ever since me and FI have gotten engaged my friend seems to bring up that shes jealous. Which is no big deal. My friend has two daughters. The first one that is a year old and then the other she is due close to the end of next month. Well she just got back together with her first daughters dad. The have been talking but just recently got back together. Well lets just say that he proposed and they are now engaged. She was thinking of having her wedding either the month- before us or the month after. Well the date that she came up with is 8-11-12(almost a month after us) She asked me to be a bridesmaid(Im super stoked). But what I dont get is why would she do it soo close to our wedding. Our date was picked out like 6 months ago. Also I've never had anything like this happen before.....hopefully Im not like stressing out trying to make sure all the things for our wedding are in line and then trying to help her out with hers. Sorry I just had to vent about this it just really kind of upsets me and im pretty sure everyone is sick of hearing about it from me. Thank you guys for listening:)