Florida-Central Florida


Hey girlie! :)I was looking in your bio at your fan-program duo... and noticed your purple card box!!!!! OMG It's SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! I can't believe you made that yourself.. it's adorable! How did you do it? That's going to be a great keepsake for the future, too! :)
? Kristen & Austin ~ Married 07.04.09 ? Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: **bluepoet2007**

  • bluepoet2007bluepoet2007 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Hi Kristen! Thanks for the huuuuuge compliment---I'm pretty proud of it :) All my stuff came from Michaels: spray paint, box, letters and 3-D flower stickers. I did the spraying at my mom's place in her backyard, since I didn't want to be using purple and silver paint anywhere near my apartment!Took me about a week between painting the box and putting the letters on (she lives on the west coast of FL so I don't normally get to visit often). I glued the letters and flowers here in O-town...if it was something I had completely done here, my guess is, it would have taken about 2 days. Heehee---you just made my day :D
  • bluepoet2007bluepoet2007 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    P.S. Forgot to say: the box is like a file drawer, I guess. It has one of those metal slots on the side to put in a label...but I sprayed over that with the purple, and it's basically invisible.
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