Florida-Central Florida

Do you invite your officiant???

So FI and I were talking about this last night....Do you invite your officiant to your reception? I know if it is your paster or priest from a church, you would. But what if it is someone you are hiring (aka we dont go to a church, so we are hiring an officiant to do a non-religious type ceremony)? I think it is just common courtesy to invite them, and if they choose to not attend, that is fine. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Re: Do you invite your officiant???

  • edited December 2011
    You're right.  I think you should invite them and yeah, if they don't come, no big deal but at least you offered.  We did, but it was our minister from church.
  • Amy00005Amy00005 member
    edited December 2011
    I would invite him just like you said out of common courtesy. Who knows he may know some of your friends and family and have a good time or just decide not to come at all.
  • edited December 2011
    So do you send them and invitation in the mail.... ?
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not inviting our officiant. We've been getting quotes from officiants for $250-$300 for an hour of work, I think that's more than enough. The etiquette police can arrest me now. 
  • Dom&JoeDom&Joe member
    edited December 2011
    They don't normally attend the reception if they don't know the bride and groom personally. I asked this same question to my mom and friends, and wondered if it would be rude to not invite him and his wife, but ours does like three weddings a week, if they ate and hung out at each, they wouldn't have a life of their own.I don't think it's rude - if you are paying for a service. My sister and BIL got marreid byt heir own priest in a catholic wedding ceremony after pre-marital courses with him, and although he was invited to the reception, he didn't even show up.
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