Florida-Central Florida

Johnathan Grey's florist

has anyone used him?  I can't remember seeing any vendor reviews with him before.  I'm meeting him this Friday.  I'm also meeting with Johnathans flowers this sat, but I've heard good things about him.TIA!!!

Re: Johnathan Grey's florist

  • eviegrl42eviegrl42 member
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Hey! I'm using him for my wedding in December and loved his ideas when I met with him. He did bkwards wedding a little bit ago and she raved about him in her reviews. You might want to page her to see pics. HTH!
  • bkward28bkward28 member
    edited December 2011
    sorry - havent been on here in FOREVER!  happened to see this.  Bobby and Jonathan Gray florist was AMAZING!  check out my page for reviews (click on name).  also - if you want to look at my slideshow from my photographer, you can see lots of his work.  my centerpieces were AWESOME.http://animoto.com/play/a1SuQ20o1XDe15oz8Mh8YA?autostart=truehope that helps.  if you have any other questions, you can e-mail at brookeadams28 at aol dot com
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