Florida-Central Florida

POLL: Favorite Twilight Book

Showing my geeky side by creating this poll, but whatever!!What is your favorite book and why?

Re: POLL: Favorite Twilight Book

  • edited December 2011
    I love the whole series, but my favorite would have to be Midnight Sun.  Unfortunately it was never finished or published, but it was the fifth book that Stephenie Meyer had written.  basically it's Twilight told from Edward's perspective.  LOVED IT!
  • Amy00005Amy00005 member
    edited December 2011
    This is really sad but I don't remember all the names of the books, but I think my favorite was the last one, whatever it was called. I liked the whole story of Edward and Bella's wedding and the birth of their "gifted" child.
  • SRivera09SRivera09 member
    edited December 2011
    ohh, I love this post!  spower I'm right there with you on the geekyness!so true, they're all good, and I wish Stephanie Meyer would complete midnight sun.  But my fav is  Breaking Dawn, Bella Book two.  (spoiler alert!!!!!!)cause I love that she is finally a vamp!!*squeals* can't wait for New Moon!!!!!!!
  • JCARMJCARM member
    edited December 2011
    All of them are AMAZING but it would have to be Breaking Dawn :)
  • JCARMJCARM member
    edited December 2011
    CAN'T WAIT for NEW MOON!!!!!
  • AileeneGAileeneG member
    edited December 2011
    Probably Breaking Dawn...
  • SRivera09SRivera09 member
    edited December 2011
    its a bummer we are meeting for the new moon G2G so soon after is comes out.  I was gonna try to surprise everyone with a good bootleg copy!  i know a guy who knows a guy!! haha
  • edited December 2011
    Ugh all the books are fantastic! I feel like each one just gets better and better. I think New Moon is my favorite... I love how Bella and Edward reunite at the end.

  • SarahSmile23SarahSmile23 member
    edited December 2011
    hey if you can get the bootleg copy pretty quickly we could have the new moon g2g at someone's house and save some money! we could each bring a snack.my fav is eclipse. i loved it when the wolves and the vamps had to team up.
  • edited December 2011
    ooooh, a home video party for New Moon sounds awesome!!  I'm glad you "know people that know people".  :)
  • SRivera09SRivera09 member
    edited December 2011
    The only prob with waiting is I don't know how soon they can get it.  I'm pretty sure this one is high demand.  plus, sometimes he can get a "good" copy, or a "not so good" copy.  meaing hand held!  sometimes he'll get an actual copy of the movie.  so I'd hate for everyone to wait on me and then I get a freaking hand help copy! those suck!! but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a good copy.   but if I do I can share the wealth!!  :)
  • sunflowr0803sunflowr0803 member
    edited December 2011
    "my fav is eclipse. i loved it when the wolves and the vamps had to team up. " THIS, exactly! (I tried to put it in italics but apparently Google Chrome doesn't let you do that!)
    ? Kristen & Austin ~ Married 07.04.09 ? Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • sunflowr0803sunflowr0803 member
    edited December 2011
    oh i also really liked bella being torn between edward & jacob!! :) this is one of the reasons I am a neutral bride. hahahah
    ? Kristen & Austin ~ Married 07.04.09 ? Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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