July 2012 Weddings

How should I word this?

So I finally found an invitation designer to work with (YAY!) and I need to send her the wording that I want on the invites. I wanted to do the traditional "together with our parents" and this is why:

FI and I are paying for 70% of the wedding on our own.
His dad and stepmom contributed roughly 15%, and his mom and stepdad contributed the other 15%.
My parents are not involved, contributing, attending.

I don't want to list his parents individually because it highlights my parents non-involvement, but I also don't want his parents to be upset. Since they are contributing a smaller amount, is it ok for me to go with the wording I want?

I spent so much time thinking about the design of the damn invites when she asked for my wording I was .... ummm, let me get back to you. LOL
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