Hi Ladies,
I didn't even realize the Knot had a forum until today. I will have to update my profile after work now that I know!
We are getting married next July in the Houston area and we are really stumped on a honeymoon! I could use some advice.
I love Disney! But we don't want to do Disney World. I've been there a lot, its crazy crowded in July, and we got engaged there.
We thought about stopping at Disneyland on the way to Hawaii. But my fiance has been to Hawaii so I'm iffy on going there. Plus we are NOT good at relaxing. We love to be on the go or we get bored easily. And we aren't super beachy.
We also thought about Europe - maybe Paris and London and a stop at Disneyland Paris. However, my fiance has been to Paris and London and I worry he will get bored seeing things he has seen before. We thought about going it Itlay but neither of us speak Italian at all! I have never been out of the US. I worry about not being able to communicate. Has anyone else who only knows English been to Europe and done OK? What cities can you do OK in (besides London)?
Does anyone have any other suggestions or thoughts?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!