Outdoor Weddings


So I'm getting married October 25 2013 at Webb Barn in CT. The ceremony and reception are in the same place. Ceremony will be outside in front of a huge tree with the barn in the background, in the grass.

In everyday life, I'm a martial arts instructor and barefoot whenever possible. If I'm not barefoot I'm either in Vibrams or Osiris leopard print purple and black sneakers. I don't own a pair of heels, haven't worn heels since my senior prom (just graduated college). Even then, took the heels off within like...20minutes. Can barely walk in heels.

I am thinking about getting married barefoot in the grass! My fiance however, is 6'6'' and I am 5'2'' so the height difference is HUGE! But, to compensate for that, I was thinking (since my fiance is also a carpenter) he could make a cute little stool out of purple heart wood (purple is my favorite color, he loves woodworking, and he custom made the ring box to put the ring in when he proposed out of purple heart wood, in the shape of a heart) at the end of the aisle.

What do you think? Cheesy? Inappropriate?

Re: Barefoot?

  • I have no issue with you going barefoot in the grass at your wedding, but I would skip the stool. You are shorter, he is taller, and I think you should just be the heights that you are. I saw wedding pictures of a bride who was at least 7 or 8" taller than her groom once (my photographer shot their wedding), and they did not make a box for him to stand on. I would just go with it.

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  • Have you considered maybe wearing some cute flats?  You don't HAVE to wear heels just because it's a wedding.  And on grass, flats might be better.  Or maybe some wedges?   

    I agree about the stool though...just skip it.  I mean, if he really wants to make it for you (maybe to use around the house), then maybe you could use it for some cute post-ceremony pictures, but I wouldn't use it for the actual ceremony.
  • Going barefoot was the best thing that I did at our wedding. Strongly encourage it!
  • Go barefoot! My FI is. I'm not sure about the stool but its your wedding.
    You do you. 
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  • My vote is barefoot!! My husand and did our ceremony and outdoor reception (also in CT) completely barefoot. We only changed into sandals after dark because we didn't want to get injured by stepping on something we couldn't see. 

    Our two fav things about going barefoot: we were completely comfortable since we love being barefoot and we got great pictures!
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