Outdoor Weddings

I've Resorted To Stalkling

I found a venue on Here Comes The Guide, fell in love, and cant find anything that even remotely compares. Its the Figureoa Mountain Farmhouse, and I have pretty much decided that its our venue. Howeverrrrr, I cannot get in contact with them for the life of me. Does anyone know how to get in contact with them? FI gave me the go ahead to book that bad boy regardless of price. Anyone have any suggestions / know how to get in contact?

Re: I've Resorted To Stalkling

  • Do you mean that they're not returning your calls/e-mails?  If that's the case, try posting on your local, you may get responses from other brides that have been married there.
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  • I know a couple of people who have gotten married there, but I have no idea how to get in touch with them.  Probably just keep trying the contact info on their website and hope for the best.  They might just be on vacation or something.
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