Florida-South Florida

Welcome to the South Florida Board

Here are some things for you to remember:

1) Lurk first!  Take the time to just observe, read posts and get a feel for how things work here before you start posting.

2) We talk about a lot of things -- not just wedding related information. Many people actually become friends and know each other in real life. That's a good thing, embrace it!

 3) We have a database with all the South Florida Knotties information (emails, names, weddings dates & venues). If you would like to be apart of the database and want a copy, send an email to lynettepond@yahoo.com or bethlindsey12@yahoo.com.

4) Everyone is welcome, everyone--the married, newly engaged, grooms, mothers of brides, bridal party members and people just interested in weddings. All opinions are welcome.

5) Vendors are not welcome. Don't come on here advertising your business.

6) Don't ask a question unless you actually want an answer. You will hear all sides -- people who agree with you and people who disagree with you. Be prepared for that.

7) Google is your friend. Use It. Love it. Also, search through prior posts, there is a good chance someone has just answered a question similar to yours.

8) Don't post ANY personal information. This is a public message board and ANYONE can read this. Personal info includes phone numbers, full name (esp. last name), work info, etc. If your screen name has your full name or email in it, change it. It's for your protection.

9) Monday’s are Newbie Monday, which is a way for all the new girls (no matter who they are) to introduce themselves.  You can always introduce yourself whenever you would like, not just on Mondays.

10) Besides Mondays we have several ways for all of us to get to know one another, and keep each other up to date on wedding planning ~ Newbie Monday, To-do Tuesdays, Confessions Wednesdays, WTF Fridays, and the first Monday of every month all the Knotties sign on and chat about everything and anything!  These are great ways to keep us in contact with each other, and break the days up!  Any questions feel free to ask!

When you're ready to post, introduce yourself and get ready to be a part of the best board on The Knot!! :)
:: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
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