Florida-South Florida

STD Vent

Last week we received a STD in the mail from one of DF's friends for her destination wedding in April. We opened it, looked at it and I thought "hey, nice STD". The website was printed so I immediately went to check it out for info. (And maybe comparisons ;))

Nothing was on the website, I mean nothing!

Then I noticed that the STD envelope was addresses to Mr. DF and Guest. I immediately blew. I felt offended that I wasn't listed on the STD. We have been together over 2 years and have lived together for over a year and she couldn't place my name on the STD?

Now please tell me if I'm overreacting or if this was bad etiquette.

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Re: STD Vent

  • Yeah sorry, total overreaction. 

    If it was the invitation that didn't have your name one, then sure. But an STD? Let it go. 

    I guess its silly to include the website if they haven't put anything on it yet but does it really matter to you? The info will come on the invitation. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to Re:STD Vent:[QUOTE]Yeah sorry, total overreaction.nbsp;If it was the invitation that didn't have your name one, then sure. But an STD? Let it go.nbsp;I guess its silly to include the website if they haven't put anything on it yet but does it really matter to you? The info will come on the invitation.nbsp; Posted by annieoldfield[/QUOTE]

    Let it go ... I sent std and I know 5 people have so's but didn't know there name so I wrote there name and date or guest. When invites go out hopefully they'll know your name.
  • Thanks ladies. Haha.
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