Florida-South Florida

Having emptying the nest syndrome..

I am moving in with my FI very soon.. Moneywise I will be moved in July 1st. But my stuff and me wont be there for at least a week or two. But I am having some anxiety about leaving my mom. I had no problem moving out 4 years ago to live with my BFF ( now MOH) but I want to be with FI forever but this is crazy. I am feeling all kinds of emotions. Does anyone have any tips, kind words, or encouraging stories?

Re: Having emptying the nest syndrome..

  • edited December 2011
    or not.. sometimes this board drives me crazy!!
  • edited December 2011

    I moved in slowly. I first started sleeping over only on days he had off work. Then slowly realized I wanted to be with him more and more and it was easier to just wake up next to him instead of waking up at my parents and wanting to drive over and hang out with him. So I moved in and slowly started to bring over all my items from my parents. We only live 15min away from my parents and we are always going over there for dinners.

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  • Lacey36Lacey36 member
    edited December 2011
    Not sure what your second post on here was suppose to mean, but I have lived with my FI for 6 years, and I would not want to move back home unless I absolutely had too. I love spending every moment with him in OUR place. Its our place to do whatever we wanted. I moved out of the county when we first moved in together. It will be easier than you think. Its actually great you two are living together before getting married, because you can see how you each live.  HTH
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  • edited December 2011

    we just got an apartment together but i wont be moving in until after the wedding..and i feeel your pain!!! lol IM SOOOOO SAD!! i love my FI to death but im super close to my parents, especially my dad. knowing that he wont make us coffee so we can hang out in the kitchen and talk every morning makes me depressive!! i will definitely be over all the time lol. and my parents are cuban so that means they're more attached then i am!! but just do it little by little and try to spend as much time with your mom as possible so she knows that your not going to just disappear and come over on holidays only. :)

  • sambrefe67sambrefe67 member
    edited December 2011
    I wouldnt be very good here.  I moved out when i was 18 and only went back for a few weeks before i moved in with FI.  We moved in with each other right after we started dating, like around 6 months.  I am so lucky it worked out.
  • avee10avee10 member
    edited December 2011
    I was in your same position, moved in with FI about 6 months before the wedding.  Before that I had always lived at home (for 30 years!) I thought it was going to be horrible moving out and leaving my parents and most of all my sister who is like my very best friend in the whole world.  And surprisingly enough although it was a little strange at first to not be able to just walk into my sister's room and get her opinion on my outfit, etc. it was also very exciting to finally share a home with Albert, it really wasnt as difficult as I thought it would be.
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  • Dee729Dee729 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    yeah, I'm no help either...Garrett and I have been living together for almost 5 years now.  I love waking up next to him every morning....but at the same time..I enjoy my time alone when he goes away (he was just away for the last 2 weekends)
  • edited December 2011
    Um. Trust me when I tell you - living OUTSIDE of your parents home is amazing. Yeah, it's hard to let go but that's life. You grow up, get married & move out. I'm very close with my father and I see him often. Sunday dinners become special. However, you will find that you enjoy having coffee in the kitchen with your husband more.

    Oh, and this board isn't very active at night.  A lot of us usually sleep :)
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  • edited December 2011
    Yea I had a hard time too when I first moved out since me and my mom always lived together just the two of us (but she got married a year ago so I dont feel bad she not alone lol) .. she is definitly my best friend ...anyways but i just did it and at first i was a little homesick but i got over it..I also had been staying at my fi house a lot before we got our own place so i was pretty use to seeing her only a few times a week and then only on the weekend..now sometimes I dont get to go over on the weekend but we talk everyday so its ok...i mean like i said you get use to it and living with FI is GREAT! :)
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