
OMG!! I can't believe I forgot to post the pictures - MY DRESS

I can't believe I forgot to post the pictures of me in my dress. I was scheduling my first fitting and realized I never shared these!

My mom somehow didn't get a single picture at the shop but one of my bridesmaids came in town and really wanted to see me in my dress so we did a quick photo shoot wihle I was in it. Enjoy (but remember the sleeves are still missing from the dress)!

don't mind the mess - it's her storage room

my bridesmaid wasn't really sure how to do it - she tried her best :)

this is when I first found the dress in a different store (with sleeves) I was considering altering the sleeves to make them thinner but decided against it.

the sleeves

just for fun - my nephew LOVED playing ith my dress - silly boy.

Re: OMG!! I can't believe I forgot to post the pictures - MY DRESS

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