
Knotties of the Week: scdj1125 and lawhited

Congrats girls!  Its your turn to walk down the aisle! :)

How are the last minute preps going?  Are you sooo excited?!  Where and when are you going on your honeymoon??

**pm me your wedding date for knottie of the week**

Re: Knotties of the Week: scdj1125 and lawhited

  • edited December 2011
    Woohoo congrats!
    image **Married 7/9/11**
  • lawhitedlawhited member
    edited December 2011
    Awwww.... thanks, girls!! 

    Last minute preps are going pretty good so far.  We finally JUST finished assembling our programs (definitely waited too long on that project) - ha!  I'm trying to get absolutely everything finished up by tomorrow night since my family starts arriving on Wednesday.  This week is already so chaotic it's crazy!!

    Yes, I am SO excited!!  I really want to take time to enjoy everything and not get too stressed or worry about things -- especially things that I have no control over.  :)

    We are leaving for Hawaii (The Big Island and Maui) on Monday after the wedding and I can't wait.  :)
  • aimers1525aimers1525 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Congrats ladies :) Hope you have a wonderful weekends!
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