
Direction Info for Invites


I just realized that I probably should post this to a more general board, but I just naturally default to this board since it's always so great and helpful! :)

So I'm getting my invites together and I need some advice about the enclosures.

What typically is included map-wise for directions?  Do you insert directions to the ceremony, the reception or both?  Directions from ceremony location to reception location?  Or do you just assume that most people use mapquest or GPS to find their own way anway?

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this!

Re: Direction Info for Invites

  • edited December 2011
    PIB although we are in one location. IMO actual directions are not necessary, but the address is. It's really annoying when people forget to list the address of the reception and you have to go through the trouble of looking it up in the GPS.
    Married on 8/7/10 My Bio
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  • edited December 2011
    There's a picture in my planning bio of our map, done in watercolor by Etsy seller Elyse Gambino.  In our invite (also in Planning bio), we simply included an accommodations card without directions (it looked too wordy with them).  The maps were available when guests arrived at the hotels.
    Wedding Date: January 16th, 2010


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  • edited December 2011
    We have an example of what we did in our planning bio.  We created a Directions insert in our pocketfold.  Most folks are coming from out of town so we provided directions to the ceremony and the reception area from N/S/E/W along with each locations phone number and address.  On the back of the insert we stuck a 3x4 avery mailing label and printed a map pin pointing the ceremony and reception venue.
  • JMSno21JMSno21 member
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011

    I DIY-ed my wedding map insert that I included with my invitations. I found out how to do it on There you can have the Church, the reception hall, hotels, and other locations on a map. The website also has a section about how to make you own wedding map insert.

    I had a map on one side of the insert and on the other side there were directions to the Church, reception hall, parking info, and hotel booking information. I used plain white 8 1/2 x 11 inch cardstock and was able to get four maps out of each paper.

    Also, on this site your guests are able to click on two places and get directions pretty easy - they don't even need to know the addresses.I ended up linking the wedding map to my wedding website.

    Hope this helps :-) Happy planning!

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  • edited December 2011
    I am having a very tight knit wedding so most all of the people that are coming know the general area. I put the address and then had an info card (i had pocket invites) withe the website address and put more detailed directions there. We are also having the reception and ceremony in the same place.
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