
NWR: Recommend a hair stylist in the western suburbs?

Can anyone recommend a hairstylist in the western suburbs who is particularly good at cutting thick, curly hair?   I have long, thick, curly hair and I desperately need a new stylist.   


Re: NWR: Recommend a hair stylist in the western suburbs?

  • kag0215kag0215 member
    edited December 2011
    Main Street Hair Company in Lisle has always done a good job on my hair. it's not real thick but it has this crazy too curly to be wavy too wavy to be curly thing going on and they always cut it perfectly. I usually ask for Beth, but Alicia is really good too.
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  • pjen99pjen99 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I go to Frank Gironda Salon on Route 59 in Naperville.  My stylis"ts name is Angelina and she's great.  I have thick, wavy hair and she's done a great job with it.  I started with her after a horrid cut and I couldn't be happier with what she's done with both my cut and color.
    Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    Shellie at J. Vincents in Darien.
    She has been my hair stylist for years and I have very wavy long hair.
  • knthayerknthayer member
    edited December 2011
    Ginger at Sanctuary in Wheaton (near DaNada shopping center at Naperville and Butterfield roads).

    I have naturally curly hair and she's awesome! Tell her Kate sent you:)

    Good luck!
  • smomallsmomall member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Salon DiVino in Downers Grove...been going there for 10 years and they do a great job. Ask for Fran or Marie!
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